Would you or your organisation like to learn how to conduct a Behavioural Chain Analysis for clients who want to eliminate their unwanted problem behaviour?
Behavioural Chain Analysis Workshop Training
My business was set up to help and serve the wider community with affordable long-term therapy. I work with a wide range of client presentations, including relationships and couples counselling. However my passion and my calling is to work with people diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). I am also passionate about delivering a high quality experiential workshop with valuable stand-alone tools to assist workers with their clients.
To support clients in understanding their mental illness, their strengths and their capacities to find personal meaning in their lives. To help educate and inform the wider community that BPD is a recoverable disorder.
This workshop is for anyone who works with any demographic of client with any mental health disorder. The target audience will compose of organisation staff members, mental health support workers, peer support workers, carers, parents, other family members and friends. As well, anyone else who works or lives with people who have unwanted behaviour. No formal qualifications or training is required for you to attend this workshop.
This professional workshop will be delivered by myself. I am a highly skilled and experienced University educated counsellor/psychotherapist who has worked with people with BPD and other mental illnesses for eight years. In 2014, I studied and researched BPD overseas within the context of the Inaugural Barbara Hocking SANE Australia Fellowship 2014.
This is a unique presentation using my professional expertise, mental health peer support worker roles and personal perspective of a recovered lived experience. This workshop contains practical exercises for participants to help their clients gain insight into the origins of their unwanted behaviour. I like to be authentic and real.
Respect for people’s mental health journey and that they are doing the best they can.
Educate the general public on matters of mental illness
Advocate fiercely for my clients when they need me to
Love my work, love the people and love the mental health community
Delivery of workshop is at the location, of your choice, at a time and date to suit you. There is no additional charge for me to tailor an existing course to meet your specific needs. My workshop is tailored to your requirements, including the duration, learning outcomes and course content. This can include weekends and evenings if this is preferred. Please send me a list of names and email addresses of participants for this workshop so I can issue them with a pre-workshop questionnaire of training requirements survey to find out where their gaps of knowledge are and how they would like to receive further training.
This is a three-hour workshop. Times available for this workshop are negotiable. Please advise what times are suitable for you. My fee is $990 per workshop inclusive of the number of participants.
Testimonial statements from Uniting Care West, Peedac Employment and Partners in Recovery include:
Very useful, very insightful
Thank you, very insightful training
Great friendly and funny delivery
A very good presentation
Very valuable for us personally and professionally
To educate and inform people in the mental health field working with clients with unwanted behavioural issues, such as self-harm and substance able that there is an elegant tool from the suite of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, called Behavioural Chain Analysis (BCA) that helps create insight and understanding, when all facts, actions, thoughts, feelings, memories and body sensations leading up to the unwanted behaviour can be identified.
These include:
An ability to increase skills and knowledge and utilise a valuable tool for insight and understanding,
Creating an atmosphere of rapport and trust,
An ability to help people understand cause and effect, rather than thinking random bad events just keep happening to them,
Creating an enhanced ability to empathise/mentalise with someone in deep distress,
An experiential feel of how a problem behaviour can be examined and clarified with a Behavioural Chain Analysis.
BCA is used collaboratively and respectfully with clients who wish to eliminate unwanted problem behaviour such as self-harm and substance abuse. I have used this in my private practice with clients diagnosed with BPD. While it is part of Marsha Linehan's Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, it is also an elegant non-judgemental stand-alone tool to identify all the causes and effects of why such behaviour occurs. We start with identifying internal and external vulnerabilities (eg history of trauma, lack of sleep, illness, moving house, issues at work) then list all the links in the chain (all the actions, thoughts, feelings, memories and body sensations) up to the prompting event (the straw that broke the camel’s back), the unwanted behaviour and the short- and long-term consequences of this. We then identify the link where a different, healthier, less destructive alternative behaviour could have occurred.
My presentation starts off with a power point presentation on what BCA is and how it works (30 minutes). Using an example of Katherine, her history and BCA and with participants, we plot on the whiteboard how the BCA unfolds (40 minutes). Followed by a participant role-reading scripted therapist/client scenario, and again plotted on whiteboard for further expansion and clarity, with a question and answer section (40 minutes). Participants then partner up and workshop their own BCA with partner, acting in both therapist and client roles. Participants then can read out their BCA to the audience to be discussed and brainstormed. Followed by question and answer session and completion of a feedback form (60 minutes).
These will be delivered in a digital format including, power point presentation, two Murdoch University/Open Borders qualitative research articles plus Mastering the Art of BCA, blank BCA worksheets, list of recommended books on BPD, list of recommended resources and websites, certificate of completion and six months phone and email support.
Intellectual property remains with Aveley Counselling Services. This means that while training participants are encouraged to use the materials, these may not be distributed to others or modified or reproduced in any way.
This proposal is valid for thirty days. There is an up-front payment of 50% (non-refundable) fee upon booking and the balance to be paid within seven days of completion of the workshop.
Payment method by PayPal or direct debit.
Banking details are:
Aveley Counselling Services
Bank: NAB
BSB: 086273
ACC: 719429019
Sonia Neale B. Arts (Psych/Counselling)
M.A.C.A. (Level 2)
Registered Counsellor/Psychotherapist
Aveley Counselling Services
Suite 4 (upstairs)
Aveley Medical Centre
15 Flecker Promenade,
Aveley (Near Ellenbrook) 6069 WA
Mobile: 0427 730 444
Email: aveleycounselling@iinet.net.au
Website: www.aveleycounsellingservices.com